Battle Fantasia Revised Edition: Locked frame rate to 60 FPS to work around game bugs at higher frame rates.Significantly reduced memory usage in situations where games create unused D3D11 devices.This fixes performance issues with recent RE Engine games (D3D12) on such systems. Improved enumeration of DXGI outputs on systems with multiple GPUs.

Improved usage of some VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state3 features to avoid hitting slow paths on some drivers.This fixes Total War: Shogun 2 running out of address space when using the D3D9 renderer. D3D9 StateBlocks now only allocate memory for the parts that are actually used.Fixed Vulkan validation errors caused by 0x0 sized clears in D3D9.Fixed Vulkan validation errors caused by incorrect layout tracking when enabling feedback loops for a texture.Fixed an issue wherein threads were not properly destroyed.This fixes in-game videos in Jade Empire ( #3182) and Sid Meier's Pirates ( #3189) (PR #3342)