RAANZ-Admin contains administrative procedures and regulatory compliance.Standard browser functionality is used to reference between the index section and the body of the manual.Ģ.2.1 You will get the best result by using the links ( marked as underscore text ) to move through the document and the "back" button on your browser to return back to a previous point.Ģ.3.1 It is preferred to print the manual and forms with your browser set to one font size less than standardĢ.4.1 This manual consists of two parts as follows: relieving the individual Microlight Pilot of his/her responsibility to take any action in an emergency or unusual circumstances which he/she considers necessary for the preservation of any life or property.Ģ.1.1 This manual uses HTML layout and is designed to be used online.

preventing individual affiliated clubs from introducing procedures as may be required to suit local conditions.Ensure that you are using a current copy by checking release dates at or in the RAANZ official publication.ġ.4 Nothing contained in this Manual is to be construed as: Weight Shift Microlight - A microlight aircraft controlled by lateral and longitudinal movement of the pilot's body weight in relation to a control bar or `A' frame rigidly attached to the wing.ġ.1 This Policy and Procedures Manual is the property of the Recreational Aircraft Association of New Zealand (Inc) and must be maintained in a current state by the person to whom it has been issued.ġ.2 Sections of this manual may be copied by RAANZ members for their own use however, these copies remain as copyright to RAANZ and are not to be distributed outside the RAANZ organisation without written permission.ġ.3 Persons are warned that, once copied, information may become out of date.Control about the lateral axis is achieved by elevators or canard, about the longitudinal axis by ailerons, differential spoilers or wing warping and about the normal axis by rudder. Three Axis Control Microlight - A microlight aircraft in which any seat is fixed to the fuselage structure.TAIC - Transport Accident Investigation Commission.Part 149 - Civil Aviation Rule Part 149.Part 103 - Civil Aviation Rule Part 103.Microlight Aircraft - An aircraft conforming to the definition in Part 103.3.RAANZ - The Recreational Aircraft Association of New Zealand Incorporated.Control about the other axes is conventional. Combined Control Microlight Aircraft - A microlight aircraft in which control about at least one axis is achieved by body weight or by an unusual or specialist control.CAANZ - The Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand.The following definitions are used in this Manual:

Revision: July 09, 2015, at 09:54 PM RAANZ Policy and Procedures Manual Administrative Procedures and Regulatory Compliance